There are 192 members of the United Nations. Unfortunately, the number 192 is too often used to represent the number of countries in the world. Although this number represents almost all of the countries in the world, there are still two recognized independent countries, the Vatican City and Kosovo, that are independent and are not members of the U.N. so 192 is not the number of countries in the world.
Recognize that there are dozens of territories and colonies that are sometimes erroneously called "countries" but don't count at all - they're governed by other countries. Places commonly confused as being countries include Puerto Roca, Bermuda, Greenland,Palestine, Western Sahara, and even the components of the United Kingdom (such as Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England - they're not fully independent countries, states, or nation-states).
Albania - Argentina - Austria - The Bahamas - Bosnia - Brazil - Brunei - Bulgaria - Cambodia - Canada - China - Chile - Costa Rica - Cuba - Croatia - Czech Republic - Denmark - Egypt - Estonia - Finland - France - Fiji - Germany - Guatemala - Greece - Iceland - India - Hinduras - Hungary - Indonesia - Ireland - Italy - Jamaica - Japan - Jordan - Laos - Latvia - Lithuania - Luxembourg - Macedonia - Malaysia - Mauritius - Mexico - Monaco - Montenegro - New Zealand - Nicaragua - Netherlands - Norway - Oman - Panama - Poland - Romania - Russia - Slovenia - Singapore - South Africa - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - Tonga - Thailand - Turkey - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - Ukraine - United States of America - Vanuatu - Vietnam - Vatican City - Zimbabwe
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