Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


WEATHER: Who cares I was in my room all day 

HIGHTLIGHT OF THE DAY: Sleep, TV, internet, sleep, TV, internet
BUMMER OF THE DAY:  Missing out on saying a final final goodbyes to people
BUYS OF THE DAY:  My BK meal was the only thing I bought all day
WORD OF THE DAY:  Adios Amigo’s
Day 70 today.  Nearly 2.5 months I have been on the road.  That time has just flown by.  I think I will need to sit down and really look at what I have done in that time for it to sink in where and what I have been doing.  I want to make sure I don’t get too blasé and take the travelling for granted, as this is definitely not the case so far.  I still need to pinch myself when I am standing at the top of the rock in Gibraltar, training it across Russia for 3 weeks, standing at the top of the Eiffel Tower or looking at the Parthenon in Rome that is 2000 years old.  These have been remarkable memories for me and meeting new and wonderful people, reminds me just how lucky I am.

Well after getting home at 3am and not having to get up for a departing coach to somewhere, I was looking forward to slothing around all day today.  I did get a phone call at 8am, and I think it may have been Marc ringing to say good-bye, but I just couldn’t get up – so a BIG good-bye to you Contiki Husband no1.  I was then to get to breakfast at some stage, so I could say good-bye to Contiki Husband no.2, but I didn’t make it to breakfast, but Andrew emailed me and said he was running late for his taxi, so I missed out on him as well – so a BIG goodbye to you too.  I was then going to try and catch up with E and Ash before they left, and had a hunch they may have been at the pool in the afternoon, but I also missed lunch and just didn’t have the energy to do anything – so  a BIG goodbye to you gals as well.  I was a real slacker all round, but I know I will see you all again next year, so stay tuned for dates.

So I slept till 12, did some ‘office’ work updating the blog not only the actual blog, but the Bernstar jumps, and the bits and bobs etc., so it feels good to get most of that up to date.  I watched the Discovery Channel all day (while I was awake) which is the only English speaking channel in Madrid.  I was planning on getting some washing done today, as I haven’t had a machine was my clothes for 24 days.  Hand washing is great, but you cannot beat a machine wash every now and then.  But I had to catch a metro to get to the closest laundry and the idea just didn’t appeal to me on the metro with a bag of dirty clothes so I am going to see how I go in Athens, and worst case scenario, I am sure that I can get it done on the islands.  So the 2 things I wanted to do today, I didn’t.  The other was to send a package home with all my Spanish souvenirs, but being a Sunday the post office is closed, so it all has to come to Athens with me.

So I thought I better get something to eat for dinner as I hadn’t eaten a thing all day, so I changed out of my PJ’s at 5.45pm – yes I was in my PJ’s all day, showered for my 5 minute walk to the Metro station where I ordered BK (Burger King) and enjoyed every last morsel before heading back to the hotel to re-pack my bags for airline travelling.

I had to get my bags out of storage and I combined everything I had on the bed and wondered how I was going to get it all back in.  I have decided to send some stuff home.  I figured if I haven’t used it in 70 days, I probably don’t need it.  Especially now I am on the last weeks of my Europe portion and then heading into Africa, I won’t need all my jewelry, dresses, and some bits and bobs, so I am sending this stuff home in my next package.  Speaking of posting, BIG thanks has to go to Julia, my Russian friend, who collected my jewelry that I left behind in Beijing in April and sent it home last week.  My 2 Tiffany rings and Tiffany earrings that I got for Christmas from my god-daughters are now on their way back to Australia.  I am super lucky and thanks again Julia for doing that for me – you are a gem xx.

So by 11.00pm, I am all packed.  My alarm is set for 5.15am for a 6am pick-up tomorrow morning.
Thanks again Spanish Spree-ers and hope to catch up with you all again sometime soon xx

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