Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Friday, May 6, 2011


WEATHER:  22C – controlled room temperature

HIGHTLIGHT OF THE DAY: Not feeling bad I didn’t’t go into the city today
BUMMER OF THE DAY: Nothing I can think of
BUYS OF THE DAY:  4 hours of hotel Wi-Fi internet for 7.80EUR  
WORD OF THE DAY: Sleep, upload and download
Im upto day 40 of my trip today.  My Trans Mongolian trip seems like eons ago, let alone London and Amsterdam last week. 

We didn’t get too much sleep last night.  We went and had a drink with Pete, as today is his rest day, so he was able to have a few Brewski’s.  I was dog tired, and as this was a 2 night stay, I wanted to wash some things and upload my last blog entry.  I know how productive that would have been had I stayed and had a few drinks – NIL.  So by the time I finished all that it was 1.20am anyways and ChelC got home at 1.45am, so we then chatted and caught up on all the gossip, before we closed the session at 2.15am thinking we better get some sleep.

The alarm goes off at 6.15am, I get up for the first shower, I come out and ChelC said ‘I wish I could sleep all day’.  Well that planted the seed, and I thought, I have been to Rome twice already (as recently as 2 weeks ago), I have done what the guys are doing today already, and maybe I could just have the day off?!  So after breakfast I decided this is definitely what I wanted to do, and I don’t feel bad that I am not going into Rome today.  If I am to have a down day, Rome is the one, as I don’t want to miss a thing in Florence and Paris – this was the day.

So I have uploaded 2 cruise albums, as I am running really behind getting these pictures up, and if I get too far behind, it will be crazy to try and catch up.  I have uploaded some songs to my iPod, ( it also helps that I have the MTV channel on and I can download as I hear the current songs ) this also included the day song we have for this tour which is On the Floor by J-LO, which seems to be a popular choice by the way.  The purpose of a day song is that we hear it every morning on the coach and it is the first song that is played.  So in 3 years from now, when you are sitting in your office, in the car or at a club and you hear the song it will make you think of your European trip you did all those years ago.  I can tell you now it works, I can still tell you the song we had for our 4 week Contiki tour **cough cough** all those years ago, which was Learning to Fly by Lennie Kravitz.  My Scandi Contiki day song was Banquet by Block Party.  This was a 3 week tour, and I reckon 70% of the bus hated the song, which made for a lot of BMW’s, but I actually liked it and downloaded the song when I got home and made it my ring tone on my mobile phone for like 12 months!  It can be hit and miss with the day song, but whether you like it or hate it, it will always make you think of your Contiki trip and that then serves its purpose.

Throw some more washing, some sleeping and more blog writing in pretty much rounds off the rest of my day – and I can tell you I feel FANTASTIC!!!!  The guys are due back after 7pm, so it will be good to hear what they got up to today.

AND ON THE 40TH DAY SHE RESTED…. And she feels awesome!!!!!

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