Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Monday, September 5, 2011


WEATHER: Hot and 30C
HIGHTLIGHT OF THE DAY: Receiving an awesome text message from Cheify
BUMMER OF THE DAY: That we didn’t get more time at the camp to chill
BUYS OF THE DAY: My packet of BBQ chips to get of my last Botswana money
WORD OF THE DAY: Lets proceed….

CAMP SITE RANKING: Awesome – back to Rainbow 5 out of 5 stars, even if the Wi-Fi didn’t work this time

A lazy morning this morning with a wake up at 7.30am and breakfast at 8am.  Since I was in bed and light off by 9.30pm last night, I woke at 6am, went for a toilet stop and I did fall back to sleep again, so it was great to get nearly 10 hours sleep.  I forgot to mention that we actually ate dinner at a table last night with chairs that had backs!  What a luxury and the small things we take for granted.  I have been carrying a tube of Vegemite with me which I bought from home and I have only just started using it on the second half of this Africa trip.  So it has been sitting in my bag for the last 4 months untouched!  Now that I have cracked it, I am happy to use it, as I will be able to buy another tube in London when I head back in October.  There is just something that reminds me of home when you have Vegemite on toast – delicious.  As there are only 2 Aussies on this trip, which is pretty strange, Lisa the Kiwi is the only other person that eats the stuff, so I know at least that not 100 people will be asking to use it.  I have tried to get Ben and Simon to have some, but they tasted it a few years ago and won’t touch the stuff.

So after packing up the kitchen stuff, we were back in the mokoros for the last time to get us back to the truck and to poor Ben who had been on his own for the last 2 nights.  After this 30 minute journey we have been in the canoes for over 8 hours in 3 days.  That is massive for me and I have to say I actually enjoyed it.  I wouldn’t have been so worried about falling out if it wasn’t for the camera’s we had on board and I even left my IPod and laptop at the truck in case I fell out and lost all my electronics, imagine that!  So if I had of said I was going to be sitting in a canoe for 8 hours, no-one would believe that I would have done it!  But I did and I didn’t fall out and it was an amazing experience.  A special thanks goes to Ken who also kept us dry and put up with Lisa and my ramblings about love and life.  Poor fellow. 

So we reversed our travel of a few days before, drove for nearly 3 hours to get to the ferry (that looks like it shouldn’t float at all - wait for the pictures) the on to the Botswana border, no-man’s land to the Namibia border and then the 45 minute drive back to Rainbow Safari where we had the afternoon free to catch up on outstanding things.  People did washing, re-organization of their bags, Pam and I went to go onto the internet, but the Wi-Fi was down, so I just started to update my blog from the last 3 days in the Delta.  I also re-organized my bag and got my washing ready for the next stop.  There is something to be said about feeling that you are organized and everything is where it should be.    

It was a low key night where after dinner we had a few quite beers at the bar and were in bed by 10pm.  It was a great chance for us to meet the new couples and I have to say they are both pretty cool.  Bernard and Jill are from England.  Bernard is also known as Bern, so I have nick named him B2, not because he is older than me, but he joined the tour second and there is Sonya and Rolf from Kelowna in Canada.  After speaking with them, I now can add Kelowna to my list to visit in North America next year, and we are going to go and try and taste as many wineries we can in the Okanagan region in a 5 day period.  Sounds good to me.  I know what it is like to be a newbie, and you do just have to give them half a chance and these guys have fit right in and we are going to have a great 14 days left of tour.  Each person brings their own qualities to each trip I do, and even though no-one replaces the people I have met so far, it enhances my belief that it takes a lot of people to keep the world turning, and I continue to meet weird and wonderful people on my travels and need to accept them for who they are, no matter how weird they seem right!?

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