Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Thursday, April 28, 2011


WEATHER:  Beautifil!!!  Tops 23C – Lows 13C

HIGHTLIGHT OF THE DAY :  Discovering I like Long Island Ice Teas
BUMMER OF THE DAY: Can’t think of one again…
BUYS OF THE DAY:  Long Island Ice Teas for 6.50EUR
WORD OF THE DAY: - always written phonetically – Bonjour – we are in France for the day after all

So this is what it feels like to wake up sober – what a great feeling!!!  We just couldn’t get our drink on last night, so we gave in and had an early night, well as early as one can with a 9pm dinner reservation!

Our day tour today is a quick sight see of the city of Marseilles, the 2nd largest city in France, and then we drove 1 hour and 30 minutes to Avignon.  The draw card here, is the old Popal Palace that was built in the 14th century.  It housed all the Popes over the years and each one added something to the palace till it just grew to what it is today.  It is just massive!  They really knew how to build things back in the day didn’t they!  The churches and dining halls in the palace are 50m long and 40m high to give you an idea on just how big they built it over time.

After the tour of the palace we got 2 hours free time to wander around the old city.  We had lunch at an outdoor café and the weather was just beautiful to sit, people watch and chillax.  We did a little walking around after lunch, where ChelC and I purchased a 5EUR ring ( I know it’s not real but it was pretty and cheap ) and then headed back to the bus for our ride back to the ship.

I have caved in and I have purchased an internet package.  I tried to use the computers in the Cyberlibrary, but the line up to use one of the 4 computers was long, so it didn’t make sense when I had my computer back in the cabin to not use it.  So I have paid 20EUR for 100 minutes of internet time.  The main reason is so I can update my blog, otherwise I will have 7 entries to upload at once, and I don’t want to bore you all with a massive upload.  BUT I couldn’t NOT check Facebook, but as I travel around each country, as part of FB security, I need to re-store my account as it ‘doesn’t recognize my location’.  It is all for my security I know, so I won’t whinge too long, but yesterday it just would not let me login, it kept going around on a big loop and it was driving me nuts.  It is probably for the best anyway I guess, otherwise it would just chew through my minutes.

As written before, I am now drinking tea ( thanks to Russia ) eating olives, and ChelC has got me onto Long Island Ice Teas last night!  Now is that lethal or what?  They put the drink into tall skinny glasses, so we are really getting some bang for our buck at 6.50EUR a pop, not bad for the amount of alcohol that goes into one.  So as we got ready for dinner, we consumed 3 each.  The bar is convienently located 5 cabins away and just down the stairs, so to get a drink takes 5 minutes!  ChelC doesn’t want a big night as she is really looking forward to Barcelona tomorrow and doesn’t want to be hung over for it.  Not a good start I hear you say with 3 LIIT under our belt!!!  We had decided to do separate tours in Barcelona, and just before we left the cabin I got a notice that mine had cancelled due to lack of numbers.  As I am coming back to Spain for my 2 week Contiki tour in May, I decided to not do a tour tomorrow and just chill around. 

We had made a booking  to eat in the Tex Mex restaurant for 8pm, but didn’t know when we made the booking a few days ago, that it was formal night, so we went and saw the guys at the Cantina and changed it to tonight.  They are all from Honduras, so ChelC got to practice some tipsy Spanish with them before we headed to dinner.  ChelC swapped to beers ( they were free ) and I consumed a whole bottle of white wine to myself ( which was also free ).  So needles to say we were well and truly on our way to drunkdom!!!  As it was formal night, the menu is pretty much a set one, so after we ate we went and said howdy to our photo boys, where ChelC bought a new SLR camera!!!!  Yes she was drunk when she bought it, but she had been eyeing it off since we got on the ship, so it was an approved purchase, and it is an awesome camera.  Me?  My drunk purchase was a new watch, not as lavish as a camera, but it is a cute one all the same!  We then chatted to our Russian friend Svitlana and some of our Indonesian friends to eventually finding ourselves at the midnight chocolate buffet!!  As it was Easter, there was chocolate, cakes and sweets everywhere.  Just what you want to eat when your happy drunk.  NOT.  I asked where the hot chips, kebabs and pizza were, but Luigi told me tomorrow night he would have the pizza at least for us!  From there we thought we would just quickly head to the nightclub to check it out, and that is where we stayed till 3am!!  So much for the early night for ChelC! 

We ordered our 3am drunk ceasar salads back at the cabin, which Chelc didn’t even want, so I ate both at 3.30am and then hit they hay!  What a day – I really feel sorry for ChelC as she has to get up in the morning – but she is a young chicken and I am sure she will bounce back no problems!!!

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