Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Friday, April 29, 2011


WEATHER: Crap.  Cool, windy and overcast
HIGHTLIGHT OF THE DAY:  I’m alive - still
BUMMER OF THE DAY: The drinks package is going to kill my liver
BUYS OF THE DAY:  Yep, the drinks package still
WORD OF THE DAY: - Long Island Ice Tea
Well we surfaced around 10am – so we missed breakfast, so we needed to wait till 12 noon before lunch was served, or I could have the other Caesar salad that has sat there for 7 hours?  Yeah right, after the chuck last night, I’m not touching that salad – remember there was something wrong with the first one!

A bit of free time, so I pulled up a pew in the atrium, caught up on the diary entries, read and listened to some tunes till I met ChelC for lunch.

We decided to go to the restaurant for lunch today, especially today, as it was a sea day, so there would be 4000 hungry passengers to feed in 2 hours, so we figured the pace would not be as frantic in the restaurant – besides they do all the running around for you.  It was a good decision and nice not to have to fight for lunch.  Seriously, they are like animals that haven’t been fed for weeks in the buffet – they won’t run out of food people.

The weather is ordinary.  Overcast, windy and a little on the cool side.  But bless the people sitting in their bikinis trying to get some nonexistent sun; it is the Med after all.  The beauty of MSC is they also have an indoor pool area with a retractable roof, so you can swim all year round on the Fantasia.

Back to the cabin for a rest which again turned into 3 hours.  We woke at 5pm – hungry, so yes you guessed it we ordered another round of chicken Caesar salads, so this is what it tastes like sober – still not too bad.  The room service food has a limited menu, but it is free, you just pay a delivery fee of 2.50EUR per plate ordered.  Not a bad deal.

We had an opportunity to meet the Captain tonight, well you shake his hand and you get a photo taken, more money revenue for the ship – but as we were still feeling a bit shady, we skipped the photo op ( I know right – me missing a photo ), had a sticky beak in and then we headed to the theatre to watch the 7.30pm show – Fantasie.  The shows seem to be getting better as the cruise goes along and they really are quite professionally done.  The only criticism I have, is sometimes the dancers don’t seem to have enough light on them for us to see them dancing, but they are great shows all the same.

Off to our 9pm dinner and we were stuffed!  Still haven’t been able to have an alcohol beverage – ughhhh even the Moet and Chandon special of 5EUR didn’t stir an inkling for a drop….  Yes it was a pretty BIG night!!!!  Needless to say we had a very non productive day at sea and not a drop of alcohol passed our lips, and as I type this I hear my liver sigh what a big relief that is to have one night off!!  There is always tomorrow…….

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