Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them

Live your dream and share your passion

When you eat, appreciate every last bite

Some opportunities only come only once-seize them

Laugh everyday

Believe in magic

Love with all your heart

Be true to who you are

Smile often and be grateful

…and finally make every moment count

Follow my new adventures:

Thursday, August 2, 2012


“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” 
 Dr. Seuss

So what’s happened? 

Let’s set the scene.  I am leaving for the UK in 5 days and arriving into Ethiopia in 30 days.  I had just gone to the shops yesterday and bought some essential house hold items (quilt, towels, lantern) and I get the news that my trip to Ethiopia has to be delayed till early (very early next year)

So what’s happened?

During the last week Zeme and I have been in communication on the final arrangements for my arrival into Addis Ababa on the 2nd of September.  He initially asked his work place if he could have 3 months off, to get us settled and this included his trip to Australia in November.  They have been very accommodating so far with his leave and this time it didn’t work in our favor and the answer was no.  They would permit him to take his last 7 days of annual leave when I arrived but that was all they were willing to give.  I need to point out that it is now high season in Ethiopia, this is when the tourists come and this is where the tourism industry in the country makes its money with the tips of all their happy clients.  I understand this and I was also okay with the plan that Zeme needs to make the most of high season and then we lay new plans for work next year.  As long as we could find somewhere to live in that first week, I could cope for the initial 3 weeks on my own while he was out on a tour.  I could book in some language courses, get some exercise and just get stuck into my new life.  I would have to become independent at some stage; it was just going to be earlier than I had anticipated.

But last night Zeme sent the message that there is political unrest currently in the country and also in Addis Ababa and Zeme wasn’t happy that I was going to be there on my own while he was away on tour.  It just wasn’t safe for me.  I was thinking how bad could it be and that I could manage, but I checked the DFAT web site and they are telling Australians ‘to defer all non-essential travel’ and it was ranked  4 out of 5 on the scale, the second highest.  They mentioned   Civil unrest/political tension (on 14 and 15 July 2012, demonstrations reportedly took place in the Mercato Market area of Addis Ababa where some deaths and injuries were reported.  I also had a friend message me only a few days ago telling me about the unrest that he had read in online new articles.  I said there was nothing to worry about as I am sure that Zeme and friends would let me know if it was that bad.  Well it is that bad.

I was totally devastated.
This was the hum dinger of all spanners.

So I jumped on the phone and rang Zeme and we had a good chat, discussed it all and I could just hear it in his voice that he was sincerely worried for my safety.  So with my ticket already booked, I am still going to head into Addis for 9 days, use Zeme’s last available leave days and then I have to find somewhere to go for the next 10 weeks before I am due back home in Australia again at the end of November with the hope that Zeme can make 2 weeks in December and then I will fly back in January to Ethiopia to attempt round 2 and my 4th visit back to this marvelous country.  I will also be heading into low season at this time and his work will give him more time around this time.  As heartbreaking as it all is, it just makes too much sense.  But man it is still a MAJOR bummer.

As I try more and more these days to see the positive side out of a sucky situation this one is no different.  One: I still get to see Zeme.  Two: He hopefully will still make it to Australia in November. Three: I get to keep on travelling for another 2.5 months and Four: if this is the worst thing to happen to me in the next 6 months then I have nothing to complain about.  I have a friend who is only 26 years old with breast cancer and a friend who lost his job this week.  Yes things could be a lot worse for me, so I will not complain and I will not shed another selfish tear for myself. 

So on a brighter note; if you know me, I have a plan in place.  It took me a while to work out where I wanted to go, it is a big world out there but made a lot smaller with my last 15 months of travel.  BUT in saying that my plan is currently:
Addis Ababa to Phuket and spend 15 nights and attend a friend’s wedding to boot
Phuket to Sri Lanka for a 15 day Intrepid tour
Sri Lanka to Manila and Cebu for 10 nights
…..and so far that is as far as I have gotten.  I still have another 28 days to account for but the flights are all cheap, accommodation is super cheap in Phuket (20-30AUD a night) and with the cost of living cheap I think this will be a great alternative to kill some time.  I will be able to get some rays, suck some cocktails and read some books.  Yeah I really don’t have much to complain about do I?  All this worked into a 1500AUD return airfare from London to Australia (for November) and return at Christmas as I now also have a wedding to attend to in London on the 28th December.  I think I may have been too busy to stay in Addis these 3 months anyway!!

So that has summed up my last 24 hours that went from a low of lows in the realization I have to wait longer to get settled in Ethiopia to a happy (as can be) place based on the circumstances.  I think if I wasn’t seeing Zeme at all in September it would be a lot harder to handle and the visit in November will keep me happy (as can be) till January.  I know Zeme was talking February, basing it on work commitments rather than a safety based option.  But I truly think if it is meant to be then it is meant to be and things that don’t kill us make us stronger.

I now have 5 days to book it all in before I leave on Wednesday and I am in a much happier place then where I have been all week as it has all been tossed back and forth. 

Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.” 
 Mother Teresa

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